Many people do car service of checking vehicle and few charge very less for their services compared to others in the market and even they offer best services it is advisable to select such places by proper researching and taking review from your friends and family members because when buying a vehicle you need to be very conscious and you need to know what your buying and many things are to be checked. This vehicle check makes it easier for customers to buy a particular vehicle, as every detail related to the vehicle is given.
Why to consider vehicle checking before to you buy
There are billions of vehicles and for most of the vehicles, insurance time is completed and they are roaming without any insurance so to avoid buying such vehicles you need this type of checking and many vehicles are in finances as many people keep loans and take vehicles and if he doesn’t earn much money he doesn’t pay in time and outstanding balances will be left behind and many people’s vehicle are stolen and the thieves who stolen the vehicles try to sell them to others and earn money so the buyer may be booked in future so for all these things you need to get checked the vehicle which you want to buy.
What all things to be checked for a vehicle
- Find out who is the owner of the vehicle and find out whether he bought a first hand vehicle or a second hand vehicle that is, from the other person he bought the vehicle and not from the new vehicle showroom.
- Every Vehicle should have a Registration number Plate attached to the Vehicle at both back and front of vehicle and you should know the details regarding any change in the number plate since that vehicle is bought from the showroom.
- Vehicles colour is also considered and if any new colour changing is done it is to be informed to the vehicle authorisation committee and get updated.
- Engine number of the vehicle should be checked, if the engine number mentioned in the document when first purchased matches with that of now is to be checked because sometimes the engine is changed and original ones are replaced with non original engines of less grade quality.
- For every vehicle mileage is mentioned in the document and before buying you need to verify whether the information they give on mileage is genuine or not.